All crafters are welcome! Bring your knitting, craftwork or just join us for a chat and a cup of tea.

Carmen will walk you through how to create this adorable painting, giving you some options on how to make it look more like your favourite cat or dog.
The cost for this event is $20. The Health, Safety, & Wellness Committee is providing the supplies, and Carmen has donated her time and talent, so all the money collected will go to the United Way.
If you’re looking for something to do over your lunch break, why not browse through the silent auction page!

All crafters are welcome! Bring your knitting, craftwork or just join us for a chat and a cup of tea.
Wondering what to do with that clothing/kitchen gadget/book/CD that’s been hanging around your house gathering dust? Why not donate it to the yard sale and give it a second life!
Donations will be accepted until Friday, October 11. Contact Steph if you have something to donate!
Pick up some sweet treats ahead of Thanksgiving weekend - all in support of the United Way!
Have some baked goods to contribute? Let us know what you’re bringing.
Value-Add to Cataloguing: Efficiency and Effectiveness Revisited

All crafters are welcome! Bring your knitting, craftwork or just join us for a chat and a cup of tea.

Carmen will walk you through how to create this adorable painting, giving you some options on how to make it look more like your favourite cat or dog.
The cost for this event is $20. The Health, Safety, & Wellness Committee is providing the supplies, and Carmen has donated her time and talent, so all the money collected will go to the United Way.