Visiting researchers/scientists

The department is host to many visitors who use Management Sciences (MSCI) facilities to pursue their own research or conduct collaborative research under faculty supervision. Those who are engaged in research activities in MSCI are expected to comply with the University of Waterloo’s policies designed to ensure that their work is conducted safely and in a professional manner. In particular, visitors who will participate in laboratory research must receive appropriate safety training and be familiar with the university’s policies concerning laboratory safety and the handling and disposal of hazardous materials. Visitors to the laboratory are expected to follow the same requirements as the laboratory workers in regards to such items as personal protective equipment (PPE), proper dress, food and drink, etc.
The faculty host/supervisor or designate is responsible for the appropriate lab safety orientation and other project hazards. It is expected that visitors to the Laboratory have similar worker’s compensation coverage from their own institutions or companies. It is required that visitors to MSCI labs provide evidence of insurance coverage.