Column miniature
Height: 11 lines
Gold leaf, red, blue, grey, white, brown
Underneath the miniature: Foliate red initial "D" with red, blue, and gold leaf foliates that spring upwards and downwards on the left side of the initial, framing the text and the miniature.
On the right side: Red foliate initial "E," with gold leaf background and a red foliate.
Directly above miniature: "Ci commence genius son sarmon"
Simple gold leaf exterior frame, with cornerpieces and a simple inner red frame with white wavy patterns on the right and left sides and a zigzag pattern on the top and bottom. The right sides of the frame also have gold foliate extenders.
Red, blue, and white diaper pattern (diamond pattern with white and red dots inside).
Placement of miniature:
Directly before Genius gives his definitive sentence
Place of Production of the Miniature:
Paris, France
Date of Production of the Miniature:
Similarities to other images from the corpus:
Gestures and composition:
BNCFCLAD, 153, 232v
BWAM, W. 143, fol 128r
BG, FR178, fol. 143v
PML, MS. 324, fol. 129r
BFMUM, H245, fol. 119r
LBL, MS YT21, fol. 127r
PML, MS. 132, fol. 138v
BNF, MS fr. 12595, fol. 140r
Secondary sources:
Langlois, Ernest. Les manuscrits du Roman de la Rose. Description et classement. Geneva : Slatkine Reprints, 1974, p. 85.