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After its April meeting, the Conrad Grebel University College Board of Governors approved the hiring of Jennifer Ball as Assistant Professor in Peace and Conflict Studies(PACS), commencing July 1, 2015.Jennifer Ball

Ball comes to Grebel, most recently from a position at the University of Guelph, where she received a Ph.D. in Rural Studies. She is also a graduate of the University of Waterloo in Social Development Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies. 

Chinenye Chukwuma-Nwuba is one of several international students currently enrolled in the MPACS program at Conrad Grebel. Growing up in Nigeria during times of relative peace and then violence, Chinenye brings her own perspective and experience to the program to gain a deeper understanding of what conflict is and how it develops:

 I’ve seen the Chinenye Chukwuma-Nwubagood and bad side of my lovely country… For a while everything was okay, and then sometime in 2000 our lives turned upside down and there were religious riots. We lost a couple of friends, relatives and lost some of our belongings. When you witness this sort of thing, it stays with you… It’s something I wake up to everyday and think about. I think that's what pushed me to want to understand people more and want to understand the dynamics of conflict: how people change, why people change.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:30 pm - 7:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Bertha Von Suttner: A Life of Peace Concert and Exhibit

Bertha Von SuttnerBertha von Suttner, born in 1843, was in many ways ahead of her times. As an avid pacifist, this remarkable woman was the figurehead of a world-wide peace movement. She relentlessly fought nationalist fanaticism, aggressive militarism, anti-Semitism and recognized the dangers of hate breeding.

John Paul LederachJohn Paul Lederach, widely known for his work on conflict transformation, will speak on his latest work, which reflects on compassion. He will explore the question: how do you accompany, alleviate suffering and create space for the creative emergence of the person again after tremendous loss?

Congratulations to Jacob Winter, winner of the 2013 C. Henry Smith Oratorical Contest.

Jacob Winter

Jacob competed with students from all Mennonite and Brethren in Christ colleges and Universities across Canada and the US by composing and delivering a speech on the topic of the application of the Christian peace position to contemporary concerns.

This is the second installment of a monthly feature on the PACS website. This monthly profile of PACS and MPACS students will give a small snapshot into the pursuits and experiences of our PACS students.

Dreams are like horizons, they keep shifting. When you make the journey and reach the horizon, from that point you will see another horizon to reach towards.