Websites are moving to The Centre and form closures will occur

This website is moving to a new version of The Centre website on August 27 and forms will be temporarily closed August 23-27. Learn more.

How do I fill out my Admission Information Form (AIF)?

For undergraduate applicants for the 2024 admission cycle only

  1. Sign in to Quest.
  2. Select the Admission Information Form tile.
    Admission Information Form tile in quest
  3. Read through the instructions on the Welcome page.
    Admission Information Form welcome and instructions
  4. Navigate to the first portion of your AIF. It can be found below the instructions or at the top of your AIF.
    1. About You - Part A
    2. About You - Part B
    3. Courses
    4. Engineering
    5. Math Computer Science
    6. CAP
    7. Optometry
    8. Pharmacy
    9. Social Service Worker Pathway
    10. Social Work

At the bottom of every page on your AIF, you will see two tabs:Save and submit buttons on Admission Information Form page in applicant Quest
If you select Save - Page in Progress, a pop-up box will appear.
Save message

If you select Submit - Page Finished, another pop-up box will appear:
Declaration of information Admission Information Form page in applicant Quest

If at any time after you have selected Submit - Page Finished you wish to add to your AIF, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see a Make an Amendment button.
Make an amendment button in applicant Quest
Select Make an Amendment and a new question will appear where you can include additional information.
Note: An amendment can be added until the deadline date.

Amendment text box in Quest Admission Information Form