Information Lifecycle Management

The Policy 46 definition of information management lists the general phases of the information lifecycle:

  • Collection or creation of information, and capture in the University's information systems;
  • Organization and classification;
  • Storage;
  • Retrieval and dissemination to information users; and,
  • Final disposition: disposal, destruction, or long-term preservation.


University Records Management in 5 Steps describes the steps required to manage the lifecycle of University records.

WatClass records classification & retention schedules

The Introduction to the University of Waterloo Records Classification and Retention schedules (WatClass) describes the classification of University records, and the use of the records retention schedules.

University Records Retention Schedule Content provides a brief introduction to the structure and content of the retention schedules.

Links to approved and draft records retention schedules are found on the Records Classification and Retention Schedules web-page.

WatClass is not yet complete, so questions concerning University records not yet documented in WatClass should be directed to the University Records Manager

Preserving information assets of long-term value

As described in University Records Management in 5 Steps, Step 5, Dispose of Records, the University records of long-term value are identified in the University records retention schedules.

The University Archives is kept and managed by the Library's Special Collections & Archives department.