Occupational health and safety


Mandatory/key compliance obligations

Fulfil duty of a supervisor for all workers under supervision (including PIs who serve as supervisors for research teams)

Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline

Policy 34 and Health, Safety & Environment Management System (HSEMS) s.2.8

External policy/requirements

27. (1) A supervisor shall ensure that a worker,

(a) works in the manner and with the protective devices, measures and procedures required by this Act and the regulations; and

(b) uses or wears the equipment, protective devices or clothing that the worker’s employer requires to be used or worn.

(2)…(a) advise a worker of the existence of any potential or actual danger to the health or safety of the worker of which the supervisor is aware;

(b) where so prescribed, provide a worker with written instructions as to the measures and procedures to be taken for protection of the worker; and

(c) take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker.

Occupational Health & Safety Act, s. 27

Who can help?

Safety Office

Mandatory/key compliance obligations Complete Supervisor Safety Awareness Training and ensure that all workers complete Employee Safety Orientation and Workplace Violence and Harassment Awareness. PIs need to complete this training since they serve as supervisors of their research teams.
Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline Mandatory Training programs
External policy/requirements

1. An employer shall ensure that a worker who performs work for the employer completes a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program ... as soon as practicable.

2. An employer shall ensure that a supervisor who performs work for the employer completes a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program within one week of performing work as a supervisor.

Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training Regulation, s. 1-2.
Who can help? Safety Office
Mandatory/key compliance obligations Adhere to requirements of Field Work risk management program
Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline Field Work Program
Who can help? Safety Office


Mandatory/key compliance obligations

Adhere to requirements of Laboratory Safety Program, including hazard-specific training for self and workers (e.g., WHMIS)

Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline

Laboratory safety program

External policy/requirements

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Chemical and Biological Agents Regulation

WHMIS Regulation

Designated Substances Regulation

Who can help? Safety Office
Mandatory/key compliance obligations

Obtain permit/licence(s) for the lab itself and substances in use and adhere to safety program for hazard-specific work

Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline

Biosafety program 

Laser safety program

Nanomaterials safety program 

Radiation safety program

X-ray safety program

External policy/requirements

Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (HPTA) and Regulations (HPTR)  

American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers - ANSI Z136.1-2007

Nuclear Safety and Control Act

X-ray Safety Regulation
Who can help? Safety Office
Mandatory/key compliance obligations Ensure that monthly laboratory safety inspections are conducted and documented
Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline Health, Safety & Environment Management System (HSEMS) s.2.8
Who can help? Safety Office
Mandatory/key compliance obligations Ensure that Controlled Acts are performed by an authorized Regulated Health Professional or delegated to a qualified person
Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline Guideline on Controlled Acts and the Delegation of Controlled Acts
External policy/requirements

The delegation of a controlled act by a member must be in accordance with any applicable regulations under the health profession Act governing the member’s profession

Regulated Health Professionals Act, s. 28.
Who can help?

Office of Research Ethics

Mandatory/key compliance obligations Obtain approval for new or modified devices for use on humans/animals, as required by Research Ethics Board (HREB/CREB) and Animal Care Committee (ACC), unless applying for Health Canada ITA
Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline Guideline - Medical Device Development
Who can help? Safety Office
Mandatory/key compliance obligations Ensure proper classification and packaging for shipping samples of chemical or other hazardous products
External policy/requirements

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act

Who can help? Safety Office
Best practices Attend advanced Supervisor Safety Orientation training (due diligence)
Waterloo policy, procedure or guideline Supervisor Safety Orientation Training
Who can help?

Safety Office