Merit Review Information

Educational Merit Review of Teaching Protocols

For teaching courses only.

In the case of an undergraduate or graduate level projects or labs involving use of animals, the lab or project must be reviewed by a merit review committee consisting of individuals familiar with the use of animals in research or teaching and knowledge of pedagogy and of alternatives to animal-based teaching that will attest to the educational merit and learning objectives/outcomes of the project or lab. Further details about this process can be obtained from the Manager, Research Ethics.

Scientific Merit Review of Animal Research

If a research project has not undergone prior peer review through sponsoring agencies (e.g., student research, contract research, pilot study, etc.), the application must be reviewed for scientific merit prior to submission to the Animal Care Committee (ACC).

Scientific merit review is conducted by a merit review committee consisting of expert independent reviewers. Further details about this process can be obtained from the Manager, Research Ethics.

Other Documents for Information

Canadian Council on Animal Care's Social and Behavioural Requirements of Experimental Animals (Appendix A)

Canadian Council on Animal Care's Categories of Invasiveness in Animal Experimentation (Appendix B)

Canadian Council on Animal Care's List of Key Words (Appendix C)