Resources and Guides for Indigenous Research

Resources and guides for Indigenous research

The University of Waterloo is committed to broadening and deepening research through familiarizing faculty with Indigenous paradigms and practices which might differ from those normally pursued across the University. Indigenous research theories, methodologies and practices add to Waterloo’s innovative and impactful research necessary for responding to global challenges.

Partnership with Indigenous communities should be at the centre of Indigenous research processes as the University moves forward to reflect its values and culture more accurately. Waterloo adheres to the principles of ownership, control, access, and possession (OCAP™) for conducting research in partnership with First Nations, and for the governance of First Nations Information. Embracing Indigenous research practices means becoming more respectful of Indigenous Ways of Knowing and cultural protocols. It also means encouraging more robust collaboration with Indigenous communities with respect to research, based on mutually beneficial exchange, as well as enhanced concentration, where appropriate, on areas that are priorities for Indigenous communities.

Indigenous paradigms and practices require researcher commitment to a longer-term program, often necessitating a shift in cultural attitudes to be more receptive to Indigenous research methodologies. The resources and guides below offer the first step in an on-going program of Indigenous research.

Indigenization and Indigenous Research at Waterloo

Offices and Working Groups Leading Indigenous Initiatives at Waterloo

Indigenous Research Training Opportunities

Guidance on Embedding Indigenous Considerations in Research Design

Indigenous Research Ethics and Data Management

Select Readings on Indigenous Research Methodologies

Questions on Indigenous Initiatives at Waterloo?

Please contact Jean Becker, Senior Director, Indigenous Initiatives