What is internal auditing?
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) defines an Internal Auditor as someone who “helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance process.”
Internal Auditing is an independent, objective consulting task that adds value to an organization’s operations. Overall, they make a company more efficient and more profitable.
When supported by well-organized data and skilled auditors, internal auditing can bring specific advantages to an organization:
Enhance decision-making
Internal audits can define specific problems and give decision-makers data to help inform their strategies and assess solutions.
Improve operations and efficiency
Internal audits can identify operational problems and inefficiencies. Because audits look at specific areas in-depth, they provide insights into the source of the issue. After the company makes changes, they can run another internal audit to see if the new practices and procedures have delivered the desired results.
Define and mitigate risks
Internal audits can look at the consequences of potential events and the odds that such an event will take place. Once decision-makers are aware of the risk, they can take steps to mitigate it, lower the odds of it taking place, and reduce the potential consequences.
Ensure compliance and success in external audits
Internal audits can mimic the process of external audits and find issues with reporting or compliance. By finding these problems and making corrections, a company can avoid potential penalties or punishments.
What our co-op employers are saying
of surveyed employers extend full-time return offers to students.
of surveyed employers offer optional 8-month placements.
of surveyed employers have a CPA Pre-approved Program.
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Please connect with Adam Vitalis and Lynn Graham for suggestions, edits, and questions.