Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy (Math/CPA)

Alex greets a guest at an Open House

“The co-op experience was one of the main reasons for my decision to choose Math/CPA at the University of Waterloo. Plus, choosing Math/CPA enabled me to join a tight-knit community, where everyone in the program helps each other out!”

What is Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy (Math/CPA)?

Accountants are increasingly dependent on computer technology, statistical procedures for auditing and forecasting, and mathematical techniques, such as operations research. It is no accident that math and accounting fit so nicely together. At University of Waterloo, Math/CPA students take their love for working with numbers and problem solving, and apply them to the specialized field of accounting.

The accounting program in the Faculty of Mathematics is unique because nowhere else in Canada is it possible to obtain the necessary background to become a professional accountant while you obtain mathematical, computer, and statistical skills through a Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath) degree. Offered only on a co-op basis, our program places emphasis on workplace experience, helping you prepare for a career as a CPA.

  • Available as a co-op program
  • There are 41 courses for this degree
  • Graduate with a Bachelor of Mathematics, major in Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy (Math/CPA)
  • Options to specialize in Finance or Data Analytics

Why choose Math/CPA at Waterloo?

  • Real-world experience > Earn real-world experience through Waterloo’s internationally recognized co-op program.You’ll put your knowledge to work during 4 co-op work terms, gaining valuable industry experience and networking opportunities. Time spent during your co-op work term (up to 16 months) may be counted toward the 30 months of work experience required for your CPA designation.

  • Skills that stand out > Develop strong quantitative skills while pursuing your CPA designation. Now more than ever, employers in the areas of accounting, business, and finance are seeking individuals with a strong mathematical background. Math/CPA is the only accounting program in Canada leading to a Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath) degree. Get the competitive edge by combining courses in accounting, business, and finance with complementary courses in mathematics, statistics, actuarial science, and computer science from the Faculty of Mathematics.

  • The Waterloo Accounting Advantage > Our School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) is nationally accredited by CPA Canada. Once you’ve graduated from Math/CPA with a Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath), spend just 8 months completing your Master of Accountancy (MAcc) degree and you’ll be ready to write the Common Final Examination!

First-year courses

  • Math 135/145 - Classical Algebra
  • Math 137/147 - Calculus 1
  • CS 115/135/145 - Computer Science
  • AFM 111 - Professional Pathways and Problem-Solving
  • AFM 191 - Foundations for Financial Reporting

See full courses in our undergraduate calendar.

Upper-year courses

  • AFM 272 - Global Capital Markets
  • AFM 275 - Corporate Finance
  • AFM 382 - Cost Management Systems
  • AFM 451 - Audit Strategy
  • AFM 491 - Advanced Financial Accounting

Sample co-op jobs

  • Business Analyst, TD Bank Financial Group
  • Junior Student in Accounts, BDO Dunwoody LLP
  • Senior Student in Accounts, Klasner & Solomon Chartered Accountants LLP
  • Student in Accounts, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Tax Co-op Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Sample careers

  • Accountant, Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada
  • Business Analyst, Deloitte
  • Banking Analyst, J.P. Morgan
  • Consulting Analyst, Accenture
  • Internal Auditor, Treasury Board Secretariat
  • Quantitative Trader, Northstar Trading
  • Senior Credit Risk Analyst, CIBC

Professional designation(s)

What is a professional designation? It's a professional approval by an employer or organization that a person can demonstrate particular standards of excellence in their field of work.

  • Graduates from Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy can pursue: 
    • The Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation
    • The Certified Internal Audit (CIA) certification

Student story

Meet Alex

Alex is heavily involved in extracurriculars within the Faculty of Mathematics. He serves as the Executive Director of the Math Endowment Fund, he welcomes students as an Orientation Leader in the fall, he is a Math Ambassador, and finally, he is the President of MathSoc. Make sure you look for Alex on campus! He’d love to chat with you about anything Math.

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How to apply

Apply directly to Mathematics/Chartered Professional Accountancy (Math/CPA) for admissions consideration.

Find out more information on the steps to apply.