After each academic term, each student enrolled in the term has their academic progress evaluated and an official academic standing is assigned, usually on the officially graded date. Undergraduate advisors in each academic plan review these standings for students enrolled in their plan and, where appropriate, add a note(s) called transcript text.
Academic standings are the "word" equivalent of your average(s). The averages you need to maintain are determined by the specific requirements of your official academic plan.
Your academic standing for your most recent term is available in Quest on your unofficial transcript. After reviewing the description of your academic standings, if you feel that you have been assigned an inappropriate standing, please consult with your academic advisor.
Academic standings needing attention
Failed standings
Required to withdraw (FRW): This standing means you are no longer able to continue in the Math faculty and are required to withdraw. The first step upon receiving this academic standing would be to contact your academic advisor.
Concerning standings
Must change to Mathematical Studies (FLM, FLMP, FLMC, or FLMA): This is an immediate change to your academic position and you should speak to a Math Studies advisor as soon as you can.
Must change your academic plan; CAV/MAV low (FLP or FLPP): This is an immediate change to your academic position you should speak to an academic advisor as soon as you can.
Probational/ Conditional standings (PRBC, CNDP, or PRBO): These standing can impact your academic plan in the future, and you should speak to your academic advisor within the first six weeks of the term to discuss your academics.
It is a good idea to meet with your academic advisor in the future to discuss your standing and its implication as well as resources you may want to seek out.
Good standings
Good (GOOD): Congratulations, you’re progressing sufficiently in your academic program and continue to keep up the good work! Your Cumulative Average (CAV) is between 60.0 and 79.99 and you are meeting the MAV requirement(s) for your plan.
(EXCL): Congratulations,
CAV is
Other standings
Decision deferred (DEF): An assessment of your academic standing has been deferred until further information becomes available. The most common reasons for postponing an assessment are the following:
- Incomplete (INC) grades: Incomplete course work, no credit granted
- In Progress (IP) grade: Course in progress, no grade assigned at this time and no credit granted
- Under Review (UR) grade: Grade under review or disciplinary proceedings underway, decision pending, no credit granted
Once further information becomes available your deferred standing will be finalized.
Decision not applicable (NAPP): This academic standing indicates a decision is not applicable, it is normally assigned to non-degree, post-degree, exchange, and letter-of-permission students.
May proceed subject to stipulated conditions (CNDR): This standing is assigned to students that have been prescribed a set of conditions by the Standings & promotions Committee.