Getting around

University of Waterloo's main campus is located at 200 University Avenue West in Waterloo, ON.

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Visit the interactive campus map for more information on buildings, food, and parking lot locations. 


Parking passes are available for various on-campus lots. To obtain your pass, contact Sustainable Transportation.

Getting around

Local bus service – provided by iXpress Grand River Transit (GRT) – covers the cities of Waterloo, Kitchener, and Cambridge. Bus stops near the University of Waterloo can be found on Columbia st, University Ave and the University of Waterloo Station located next to EC2 and EC4. 

light rail service - provided by ION Light Rail Transit (LRT) - travels between Conestoga Station and Fairway Station passing through the University of Waterloo. 

LRT stations are conviently found near GRT stops to allow for easy integration of ION and iXpress.

There are a number taxi services in Kitchener and Waterloo. Please check Yellow Pages for listings.

Other transit to Kitchener-Waterloo

VIA Rail’s train station is located at 126 Weber Street West in Kitchener, ON. To reach UWaterloo's main campus from the Kitchener Rail Station you'll need to take a bus or hire a taxi.

Kitchener-Waterloo is home to the Region of Waterloo International Airport located at 4881 Fountain Street North in Breslau, ON. To reach UWaterloo's main campus the Waterloo Airport, you'll need to take a bus or hire a taxi. The airport has regular flights via WestJet, Sunwing and Flair Airlines.

The closest major airport is the Pearson International Airport in Toronto, ON – approximately 1 hour east of Kitchener-Waterloo. The easiest way to reach UWaterloo's main campus from the Pearson International Airport is to hire an airporter service such as Airways Transit (519-886-2121) to take you directly to the University.