Sequence Restrictions by Program


Due to limited course offerings, some math programs require students to take courses in specific terms (for example, fourth year courses in fall and winter, or a particular course needs to be taken in 3A but is only offered in the Fall). So, when you declare a new major, it may be necessary to modify your sequence as well. Otherwise, you may end up needing additional study terms and could delay your graduation by up to a year.  

When you modify your plan of study, you should determine if you need to adjust your sequence to meet restrictions for your plan, and then make your sequence change as soon as possible. You can review the process for updating your work-study sequence, including which plans require advisor approval,  here

Similarly, when adjusting your work-study sequence for any reason (extended work opportunities, time off, etc.), you should determine if your plan has any restrictions on your future sequence by checking below or checking with your academic advisor.  

It is your responsibility to ensure that your work-study sequence meets your academic and co-op needs as early as possible. Being in another sequence may not necessarily be sufficient reason for exceptions to co-op sequence rules (for example, you may not be approved for exceptions related to scheduling three work terms in a row, or ending on a work term simply because you did not change your sequence when you should have). Note that sequences made for academic reasons are still subject to sequence change penalties depending on the timing of the request. Regardless of your area of study, it is important to plan your courses in advance. Even if you are already in the preferred sequence for your plan, if you don’t take courses when you should, then your graduation could be delayed. 

If your plan is not listed with the plans below, it means that there are no plan or course specific reasons requiring one sequence over another. With careful course planning, if you are in one of these plans, you should be able to schedule courses around your sequence. It is your responsibility to ensure completion of degree requirements.  

Plan-specific sequence restrictions:  

Applied Math with Scientific Computing, Mathematical Physics (BMATH), Applied Math 

  • The following sequence is preferred for all these plans. It is not one of the standard initial sequences, so you will need to update your sequence. It does not matter if your initial sequence matches for the first few terms or not, but you should modify your sequence as soon as possible after joining your plan to match up with this preferred sequence (F=Fall, W=Winter, S=Spring).  















  • In Mathematical Physics, you may run into difficulty scheduling courses in 3A and beyond if your study terms do not match the correct term offering.  

  • For all of these plans, fourth year course offerings are limited in the Spring term, so you really should have your 4A/4B terms in Fall/Winter terms.  

  • You should always consult with an AM advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  

Financial Analysis and Risk Management (FARM) (both specializations

  • Students in FARM should follow co-op sequence 1 (F=Fall, W=Winter, S=Spring). 















  • Starting in Fall 2024, FARM students will be admitted to this sequence for 1A.  

  • If you are in FARM and are not currently in sequence 1, you should adjust your sequence to match it moving forward as soon as you can. It is the best sequence for your academic needs, particularly for upper year course offerings.  

  • If you are planning to complete the CFA specialization, please ensure that you take COMM 321 no later than your 3B study term (3A study term is preferred) to have enough terms to take COMM 421 and 433 courses. You can see the chart below for when COMM 321, 421 and 433 are offered to plan out your courses so that you can graduate on time. 

  • COMM 321 is typically offered Winter and Spring terms 

  • COMM 421 is typically offered Winter and Fall terms 

  • COMM 433 is typically offered Spring and Fall terms 

  • Note that for PRM specialization, most courses are offered in Fall and Winter. Only 3 of the 6 of PRM courses are offered in a Spring term. Please make sure you plan your courses accordingly. 

  • You should always consult with a FARM advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  

Computing and Financial Management (CFM) 

  • Students in CFM should follow co-op sequence 1 (F=Fall, W=Winter, S=Spring). 















  • The recommended course offerings to meet your degree requirements are aligned with this sequence. Not following this sequence may make it harder and take you longer to graduate. 

  • CFM is a co-op only program, so you must ensure that you can complete your work terms (minimum 5), PD (5), and full-time term requirements (8) regardless of the sequence you set.  

  • If you are in CFM and are not currently in sequence 1, you should adjust your sequence to match it moving forward as soon as you can. It is the best sequence for your academic needs, particularly for upper year course offerings. 

  • You should always consult with a CFM advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  


  • A new sequence will be set in consultation with the Math Teaching advisor when this major is declared. 

  • All Mathematics/Teaching students must be on an academic term in the Spring term following admission to the program in order to take MTHEL 206. 

  • At least two teaching work terms must be part of your revised sequence.  

  • The Math/Teaching plan only requires four work term credits. However, if you are combining Math/Teaching with another Math major, you need to meet the co-op degree requirements for both plans. In that case, you likely need to complete five work term credits. Check with the Math co-op advisors (coopmath) to be sure.  

  • Just a reminder that Math/Teaching is a co-op only program, so you must ensure that you can complete your work term, PD, and full-time term requirements regardless of the sequence you set. 

  • You should always consult with a Math Teaching advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  

Mathematical Finance 

  • While no specific sequence is recommended for students in Math Finance, students should be aware that if their two final study terms are in the winter, then they may run into course scheduling issues, as PMATH 450 and ACTSC 445 are not offered in winter terms. 

Double degree programs (Math and CS

  • DD students cannot generally alter their study/work sequences in years 1-3.  

  • Waterloo based students can customize scheduling their final two work terms.  

  • Just a reminder that the DD programs are a co-op only programs, so you must ensure that you can complete your work term, PD, and full-time term requirements regardless of the sequence you set.  

  • You should always consult with a DD advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  


  • Your final study term (4B) should be a winter term.  

  • You should always consult with a Biostatistics advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  

BMath/Data Science 

  • Your final study term (4B) should be a fall or winter term.  

  • You should always consult with a DS advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  

Actuarial Science 

  • Students in ActSci should follow co-op sequence 1(F=Fall, W=Winter, S=Spring). 















  • Other co-op sequence may be possible, but it will require more advance planning on your part, and it would be better to try to match sequence 1.  

  • You should always consult with a ActSci advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  

Computational Math 

  • There are generally no sequence restrictions on CM, but you should still plan courses carefully or you may run into course scheduling issues.  

  • In particular, you should be aware of the following:  

  • CS230 is offered only in Spring and Winter terms 

  • CS234 is offered only in Fall and Spring terms 

  • AMATH 342 is offered only in Fall and Winter terms 

  • CS475 is offered on in the Spring term 

  • PMATH 370 is offered only in Winter of even-numbered years 

  • CO 353 is offered only in the Fall term 

  • CO 367 is offered only in the Fall term 

  • STAT 340 is offered only in Spring and Winter terms 

Combinatorics and Optimization  

  • Most sequences should be workable with CO plans as long as you plan your courses in advance. However, you will need to take CO 330 or CS 342 for the COHC plan, and neither is offered in Winter. So, if you join CO late and haven’t taken one of these, you will need to ensure that you have at least one non-Winter study term planned.  

  • You should always consult with a CO advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason.  

Other plans 

  • For remaining plans, any sequence should be possible as long as you plan your courses in advance. Note that if you don’t, it is still possible that you may encounter course scheduling issues and your graduation might be delayed.  

  • You should always consult with a plan advisor when planning a sequence change for any reason, though the form does not need to be approved by advisors for the following plans: CS, CM, Statistics, Math Studies, or if you are undeclared.