Submit Your Innovation Project
Each year, our Waterloo Women’s Impact Network (WWIN) supports innovative projects and ideas submitted by our students, partner groups, faculty, and staff, with the goal of building community for women and underrepresented genders, as well as other diversity groups in the Faculty of Mathematics.
Have an idea?
This year, we have $3,500 to grant and will be accepting applications until September 30, 2024. We will be looking for projects that cost between $500 and $3,500. Preference will be given to projects that take place prior to May 2024. Project ideas could include one-day conferences, bringing in a special speaker, programs to connect with high-school youth and students, etc.
Interested in applying?
Thank you for your interest! Applications have closed for the coming 2024-2025 academic year.
Please check back in September 2025 for future funding opportunities.
Please note, each project must be sponsored by one of our WWIN partners: Women in Computer Science (WiCS), Women in Mathematics (WiM) as they will ensure you receive the funds for your project. If you aren’t sure which group your project most aligns with, don’t worry. After reviewing your application, we will present to the appropriate group.
Our process.
We review all applications in detail and present them to WiM and WiCS to ensure they are appropriate and should be put forward for funding. Our WWIN members then vote for the project(s) they are most interested in supporting and feel will bring the greatest impact. Once projects have been selected, we will notify both you and your project sponsor. Your project sponsor will be able to access the funds and use them in partnership with you to support your idea/activity.
Reporting back.
Our WWIN members look forward to hearing more about your projects. We share an annual update with them in late May. We expect successful projects to share metrics, photos, and any relevant stories with us to include back in the report. We will circle back with you after your event/activity to collect this.
If your project wasn’t successful this time around, don’t worry. We invite you to apply again when our application opens again. Thank you so much for getting involved with our WWIN network.
Questions can be sent to mathwwin@uwaterloo.ca.