Waterloo Student Conference in Statistics, Actuarial Science and Finance
Waterloo Student Conference in Statistics, Actuarial Science and Finance
Waterloo Student Conference in Statistics, Actuarial Science and Finance
The Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science is delighted to announce that it is hosting a conference to celebrate the remarkable contributions of Jerry Lawless and Mary Thompson to the fields of life history analysis and survey sampling methodology. An exciting program of speakers has been lined up for what promising to be a stimulating and enjoyable two days of talks by leading researchers including collaborators, friends and former students of Mary and Jerry.
A banquet will be held on the evening of the 28th.
Richard Cook (Chair)
Joel Dubin
Pengfei Li
Peijun Sang
Changbao Wu
Yeying Zhu
Email sasevent@uwaterloo.ca for any general event inquiries.
The 2024 Joint Research Conference on Statistics in Quality, Industry and Technology will be held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada from June 17-20, 2024 at the University of Waterloo. This is a joint meeting of the 29th Spring Research Conference on Statistics in Industry and Technology and the 40th Quality and Productivity Research Conference. The conference is co-sponsored by the American Statistical Association Section on Quality and Productivity, the American Statistical Association Section on Physical & Engineering Sciences, and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Organization of this conference is also in partnership with Virginia Tech.
The goal of this conference is to stimulate interdisciplinary research and innovative solutions to practical problems though interactions among statisticians, data scientists, quality professionals, engineers, students, and others from diverse fields. The theme of this year’s conference is, Data Science and Statistics for Industrial Innovation.The technical program will focus on statistical methodology and creative problem solving to address scientific, industrial, and business challenges, drawing upon advances from the fields of statistics, machine learning, and data science.
Organization of the conference is underway. This website will be expanded with additional details as they arise. To contact the conference team with questions, please email Nathaniel Stevens at nstevens@uwaterloo.ca.