The University Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Global Research Rankings of Actuarial Science and Risk Management and Insurance has ranked the University of Waterloo the number one non-business, degree-granting school worldwide. Waterloo was ranked first in both the number of papers in the leading risk and insurance journal, as well as in the top four leading actuarial journals.
“I am extremely proud of the results of the UNL rankings,” said Stefan Steiner, Chair of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. “Ranking first worldwide in the non-business school list is testament to the strong research happening at the University of Waterloo.”
With an article count of eight in the Journal of Risk and Insurance between 2014-20188, Waterloo’s score was 3.83 – 1.33 above the University of Ulm (Germany) in the second position. For the same time period, Waterloo had 78 articles across the following publications: Insurance Mathematics and Economics; North American Actuarial Journal; ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the International Actuarial Association; and the Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. This resulted in a score of 50.58 – 28.66 points above the University of Hong Kong in the second position for non-business schools. Waterloo also was the top for all schools – business and non-business – across the four leading actuarial journals.

The rankings database tracks all papers published in the five leading journals published since 1990. UNL takes the cumulative number of the faculties’ publications in journals for the top 20 North American and top 50 worldwide business and non-business institutions. Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation provides funding for the rankings database.