Jeanette O'Hara Hines
Research interests
Jeanette O'Hara Hines' research has focused on the practical needs of researchers in the biological sciences, who frequently pose challenges with new ways of gathering data, or with new objectives. Jeanette's ongoing research project is the analysis of clustered or longitudinal data with categorical responses, a type of data frequently gathered in the biological and medical areas.
This work includes the added complication for longitudinal data of non-random drop-outs, or cases whose disappearance is related to the purpose of the study. Jeanette and two colleagues - Gordon Hines, professor emeritus, Department of Math. and Stats., and Beren Robinson, associate professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, both from the University of Guelph - have developed an introductory applied statistics text for biologists, for Addison-Wesley. They are now working on a second volume.
Jeanette O’Hara Hines has been a faculty member in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo since 1990. Jeanette received her BA (distinguished) from the University of New Brunswick in 1968, her MA from Queen's University in 1971, her M.M. from the University of Waterloo in 1972 and her PhD from the University of Waterloo in 1990.
In between 1972 and 1990, she was a statistical consultant and lecturer at the Universities of Guelph and Waterloo.
She has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics and supervised graduate students at both the University of Guelph and Waterloo. She was director of the Statistical Consulting Unit in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences from 1998 to 2011. She has been a regional representative on the board of both the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) and the International Environmetrics Society. She is an accredited professional statistician (PSTAT), and has served on the SSC's accreditation and accreditation appeals committees. She has been chair of the SSC's committee for Women in Statistics, and Canadian chair of the Women's Caucus.
Selected publications
Refereed chapters in books
O'Hara Hines, R.J. and W.G.S. Hines. (1996). “Allowing for Variable Natural Mortality in the Analysis of Grouped Longitudinal Mortality Data. Statistics in Toxicology” (edited by Dr. B.J.T. Morgan), a volume in memory of David Williams, in the Royal Statistical Society Lecture Note Series. pp. 101-126
Recent papers in refereed journals
- O’Hara Hines, R.J. and W.G.S. Hines. (2010). “Indices for covariance mis-specification in longitudinal data analysis with no missing responses and with MAR dropouts”. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 54, 806-815.
- O'Hara Hines, R.J. and W.G.S. Hines. (2007). “Covariance miss-specification and the local influence approach in sensitivity analyses of longitudinal data with drop-outs”. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, 5537-5546.
- O'Hara Hines, R.J. and W.G.S. Hines. (2006). Letter to the editor concerning 'An index of local sensitivity to nonignorable drop-out in longitudinal modelling by G. Ma, A.B. Troxel, and D.F. Heitjan in Statistics in Medicine, 2005, 24:2129-2150'. Statistics in Medicine, 25, 3217-3218.
- O'Hara Hines, R.J. and W.G.S. Hines. (2005). “An appraisal of methods for the analysis of longitudinal categorical data with MAR drop-outs.” Statistics in Medicine, 24, 3549-3563.
- Hines, W.G.S., R.J. O'Hara Hines, B.Pond and M.E.Obard. (2005). “Allowing for redundancy and environmental effects in estimates of home range utilization distribution.” Environmetrics, 16, 33-50.
- Hicks, J.L., R.J. O’Hara Hines, J.F. Schreer and M.O. Hammill. (2004). “Corrlelation of depth and heart rate in harbor seal pups.” Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82, 1147-1156.
- O'Hara Hines, R.J., W.G.S. Hines and B.W. Robinson. (2004). “A new statistical test of fitness set data from reciprocal transplant experiments involving intermediate phenotypes.” The American Naturalist, 163, 97-104.
- Schreer, J.F., K.M. Kovacs and R.J. O’Hara Hines. (2001). “Comparative Diving Patterns of Pinnipeds and Seabirds.” Ecological Monographs. 71, 137-162.
- Hines, W.G.S. and R.J. O'Hara Hines. (2000). “Increased Power with a Modified Form of the Levene (Med) Test for Heterogeneity of Variance.” Biometrics, 56, 451-454.