Grad Student Video Workshop

Thursday, June 6, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Learn and share techniques for crafting engaging videos about academic research! During this 1-hour workshop, students will learn how to make and edit their own short videos that can be used in professional and academic settings.

These videos can become a powerful addition to your portfolio and a vessel for disseminating your contribution to knowledge to a wider audience. This challenge/workshop series will be led by our Communications Profession In-Residence, Andrew Atkinson.

The videos created will be part of a challenge where students can win prizes for their work for different criteria-sort of like a SYDE Film Festival and Oscar Awards, so to speak! To enter the challenge, we ask that you attend the first workshop on May 23rd. The second drop-in session is not mandatory, but encouraged!

Pizza lunch will be provided on May 23rd with further details on awards and award structure. 

This event is only open to University of Waterloo SYDE grad students. Register to attend the first workshop. 

SYDE Grad Video Challenge