Participants needed for research in semi-autonomous driving performance

Monday, October 18, 2021

Drivers between the ages of 18 to 24 and 35-55 with a G or G2 driver's license and at least one year of driving experience are invited to participate in a research study on driving performance in a semi-autonomous vehicle simulator. 

What are we trying to learn? 
Road traffic collisions continue to be the leading cause of injuries and deaths among adolescents, and a contributing factor is their risky driving style and behaviours associated with poor road safety. Conversely, deterioration in mental functions that are essential for safe driving can negatively impact the performance of older drivers on the road leading to accidents and risky maneuvers. Thus, it has been suggested that driving assistance features and self-driving cars might aid older adults with continuing their independence and mobility. With Level 3 semi-autonomous vehicles, drivers have the opportunity to engage in secondary non-driving related tasks during vehicle automation but must be available to take over when the system reaches its limit. Hence, the purpose of this research is to examine the age differences when driving a semi-autonomous car.
About the study 
  • The total duration of the experiement will be 90 minutes. 
  • Participants will be screened and complete questionnaires before and after the experiment. 
  • Participants will be emailed a PDF version of the consent form and questionnaires to sign and complete and return by email, and the Trail Making Test will be completed using the Remote Control feature over a Microsoft Teams video call.This will take approximately 20 minutes. 
  • The driving task will take approxmately 60 minutes. It is locaed in East Campus 4 (EC4) on the University of Waterloo campus. 
  • Their driving data will be recorded by the simulator. 
  • You are between the ages of 18-24 or 35-55 years. 
  • You posses a valid G2 or G Canadian Driver’s License with at least one year of driving experience and are an active driver. 
  • You are physically and mentally fit to drive. 
  • You are not susceptible to motion sickness. 
In appreciation of your time, you will receive up to $30 as remuneration.
How to participate 
Contact Yovela Murzello, student investigator, MASc program, System Design Engineering. 
This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee ORE #42299.
Research in semi-autonomous driving