Systems Design PhD student Jason Deglint and two professors (Dr. Alexander Wong, Dr. Chao Jin) are taking on Lake Erie's algae monster at AquaHacking 2017.
AquaHacking 2017 has officially kicked off at the University of Waterloo. Bringing together water experts, engineers, digital designers and entrepreneurs, this multi-stage hackathon encourages creative minds to work together to develop technology that will positively impact Lake Erie.
With prizes like $25,000 in cash, a meeting with a venture capitalist, media coverage, and access to local accelerators, it’s no surprise that over 150 individuals have signed up to compete in this challenge. One of these individuals is Jason Deglint, who is tackling Lake Erie’s algae problem from a systems design engineering perspective.
Applying systems designs to the Great Lakes
Jason is a PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo in the Department of Systems Design Engineering, and an entrepreneur at heart. His research interests are varied, and include topics such as biomedical imaging, computer vision, and remote sensing. He currently works with the Vision and Image Processing Research Group supervised by Alexander Wong, a Water Institute member and associate professor in the Department of Systems Design Engineering. [Read more]