WATERLOO — Doctors treating COVID-19 patients could be helped by artificial-intelligence (AI) technology developed by University of Waterloo researchers.
“The goal here is can we build AI that can act as collaborator to a clinician,” said Alexander Wong, a systems design engineering professor at the University of Waterloo, and Canada Research Chair in AI and Medical Imaging.
AI was trained to assess the severity of COVID-19 cases by analyzing chest X-rays of patients, looking at the extent and opacity of infection in the lungs. Predictions made by the software are closely aligning with the scores from expert radiologists who reviewed the X-rays.
Rather than replacing health-care providers, the technology could help them better understand the severity of a patient’s condition to make decisions on treatment, or for triage to boost efficiency.
“We would like to create AI that works with people in a synergistic way,” Wong said.
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This is an excerpt of an article originally published on The Record website.