Waterloo International Workshop on Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation was successfully held on July 7th - July 10th, 2021. Dr. Ning Jiang, the leader of Engineering Bionics lab co-chaired and co-organized this event with the support of systems design engineering department, the office of research, and center for bioengineering and biotechnology.
There were over 100 registrants and speakers from 15 countries and the live streaming got over 1500 viewers on the first day.
This workshop invited world-leading experts as well as their Canadian colleagues to exchange the latest development of their research in neural interfacing hardware, neural signal processing, and algorithm, and also topics in translational research in applying neural technologies in the clinical population.
In the neural interfacing hardware research, topics included:
- neural implants
- neural signal amplifiers
- wearable sensors
- novel surface bi-potential electrodes technologies
In the neural signal processing and algorithm research, topics included:
- theoretical neural signal modelling
- statistical non-linear neural signal processing algorithms
- machine-learning algorithms for neural signals etc.
There were also topics in translational research in applying neural technologies in the clinical population, including:
- stroke
- Parkinson
- Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
- amputation
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
With such a wide range of research topics, participants in the above fields had the opportunity to stimulate and exchange novel and collaborative ideas. As a result, it is expected that the organic discussion and exchange among the participants would have ignited and generated long-term productive collaborative research projects in neural engineering and neurorehabilitation, and other related topics of mutual interests.