Activity Report

I am
General Information
Each graduate student must complete this report. The report serves to provide a record of program planning and progress and to promote communication among the student, supervisor, and department. **Please ensure that you and your supervisor have reviewed your transcript online.** You Do NOT have to provide a copy. By submitting this form you agree that you have reviewed your transcript in Quest. Once you submit this form your supervisor will get a copy of it and will complete their portion of the activity report and will provide you with feedback. If you indicate that you are having issues progressing with your degree a copy of this report will go to the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies. The Associate Chair will review the file and take the necessary steps to rectify your situation.
University of Waterloo E-mail Only
If your supervisor's name does not show up, select Other... from the bottom of the list and type the name in the field.
Provide supervisor's email only if you selected Other... from the list above.
If your co-supervisor's name does not show up, select Other... from the bottom of the list and type the name in the field.
Provide supervisor's email only if you selected Other... from the list above.
Example: Winter 2024
Enrolment Status
During the activity report term, not current
Term number most recently completed.
Enter your office and/or desk number. Put NA if you do not have a desk assigned
PhD Milestones
Please select the items you have completed to date.

Seminar Attendance

  • Students are required to attend an average of four University of Waterloo research seminars per full-time term. It is the student's responsibility to record the titles, dates, organizers, and locations of the seminars they attended in your previous term on your activity report.

MASc Milestones
Please select the items you have completed to date.

Seminar Attendance

  • Students are required to attend an average of four University of Waterloo research seminars per full-time term. It is the student's responsibility to record the titles, dates, organizers, and locations of the seminars they attended in your previous term on your activity report.

Summary of Accomplishments since last Activity Report
Research Objectives for the Upcoming Term
How many publications did you have last term?
Please list all the titles, dates, organizers, and locations of the seminars you attended in your previous term.
Research Fields
Over the last term, what research field was the majority of your research focused on? Please use your best judgment. You may select multiple options.
Course Availability
Were you able to take the courses you needed this term?
Course Availability Issues
Please select the primary reason why you were not able to take the courses(s) you needed.
Issues With Your Degree
Please describe in detail any issues you are having with degree progression. (ie. my supervisor is not available, equipment issues, unrealistic expectations, etc.)
Supervisor General Information
Each Faculty Supervisor is to complete this form. The report serves to provide a record of program planning and progress and to promote communication among the student, supervisor, and department. **Please ensure that you and your student have reviewed their transcript online.** Your student will receive a copy of your completed form. If you indicate that there is an issue in student progression the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies will be notified and will work towards a resolution. Please provide beneficial feedback to your student.
University of Waterloo E-mail Only
Example: Winter 2024
Received the list of seminars
I reviewed the list of seminars attended by the student included in their activity report and approve its accuracy and appropriateness.
Please include any comments you have on the student's progress this term. This can include, but is not limited to, minor concerns that do not require immediate action, direct feedback on the student's portion of the activity report, or any positive feedback you have.
Any concerns regarding the student’s progression?
Are you having issues with your student's progress?
Please describe the issues you are having with your student.
Please note that a copy of this form will be sent to the student and professor.