Safety contact information

It is important to call for help as quickly as possible when faced with an emergency situation. The following information provides guidance on calling for help at the University of Waterloo.  

Emergency Contacts

  • Ambulance – 911
  • Fire – Use a fire alarm pull station
  • UW Health Services – x84069
  • UW Special Constable Service – (519) 888-4911 or x22222
  • Chemical Spill – call UW Special Constable Service
  • Plant Operations – x33793
  • Poison Control Centre – 1-800-268-9017

Systems Design Engineering First Aiders

  • Sarah Landy, x47689, E5 6122
  • Anna Cunningham, x40590, E5 6104
  • Orion Bruckman, x45218, E7-6402
  • Thomas Willett, x48405, E7-6438

Non-Emergency Contacts