Requesting and managing your accommodations

Course-based accommodations

With our online system, you’re in control of managing your accommodations

You can apply any accommodation from your eligibility list, to any course you are taking - You choose when you need your accommodations, and when you don’t. For example, you will notify your instructor that you are eligible for testing accommodations. You may then choose to write your mid-term with your class, but then schedule your final exam with our Exam Centre. We are happy to facilitate your accommodations - you just need to let us know.

When managing your accommodations, you need to:

  1. Notify your course instructor of your accommodation plan for their course through the online system
    • Select each course that requires accommodations, and then customize your accommodation plan to that course. For example, you may not need testing accommodations for a course without tests.
    • The accommodations you select will be the ones that appear on the Faculty Notification Letter that gets sent to your Professors automatically after you've requested these accommodations. Your Professors use the Faculty Notification Letter to understand your accommodation needs and their role in the accommodation process.
  2. Request your accommodation services from our office through the online system
    • Request the accommodation service for each course that you would like our office to facilitate, such as your ‘alternate testing accommodations’, ‘alternate format production’, and ‘peer note-taking services’. For example, you may not need peer-notes for online course, but need them for other courses.

Graduate milestone accommodations

Can graduate students receive accommodations for graduate milestones?

Yes. Students with disabilities may be eligible for academic accommodations for graduate milestones (non-course degree requirements) such as a thesis or comprehensive exam. Accommodations will be tailored specifically to each student and to each milestone.

How do I know if I am eligible for milestone accommodations?

If you haven’t already done so, register with our office by completing our online application and selecting that you are a graduate student. Once your supporting medical documentation has been reviewed, you will be invited to attend a graduate student registration appointment, where you will meet with your accommodation consultant to discuss your eligibility for accommodations during your graduate career.

How do I request and manage my graduate milestone accommodations?

The graduate milestone accommodation process can be cyclical but generally involves the following phases:

Phase 1: Attend a Graduate Student Accommodation Planning Appointment

Once registered, you will attend a Graduate Student Accommodation Planning Appointment (if this cannot be completed at your registration appointment) where you and your accommodation consultant will discuss the accommodations you require for a specific upcoming milestone, such as defending your thesis proposal. At this meeting, you and your accommodation consultant will develop a plan outlining:

  • The types of accommodation that may be required.
  • The academic stakeholders who must be informed/engaged in the accommodation plan (such as your thesis supervisor, committee members, or graduate coordinator.
  • The action items to initiate next steps.

Phase 2: Engage the academic unit with the accommodation plan

If you require a milestone accommodation, you and your accommodation consultant will engage the identified key stakeholders within the academic unit to discuss the essential requirements of the accommodation and the essential requirement of the milestone. Essential requirements for milestones, including timelines, are stipulated in the University of Waterloo Graduate Studies Academic Calendar. At the end of this meeting, it is expected a graduate milestone accommodation plan will be finalized, which meets both your disability-based needs, and the essential requirements of the milestone and/or program.

Phase 3: Engage with the accommodation plan

You may require (or just benefit from) accommodation services as part of your accommodation plan. For example, you may be eligible to work with our Adaptive Educational Technologist or our Learning Strategist to learn strategies and technologies to most effectively achieve your academic goals. You are encouraged to utilize the accommodation services available to you, particularly if included in your milestone accommodation plan.

I have more questions

If you have any questions about the graduate accommodation process, schedule an appointment with your Accommodation Consultant. To schedule an appointment, you can request an appointment through the AAS online system, by phone (519-888-4567 ext. 35082) or in person during our business hours (Monday - Friday between 8:30 am - 4:30 pm). Our office is located in Needles Hall North, 1st Floor, Room 1401.

Co-op and work integrated learning accommodations

Are Accommodations available for Work-Integrated Learning & Co-op?

Yes. Students with disabilities may be eligible for academic accommodations for work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities, including:

  • Co-operative education
  • Apprenticeships
  • Internships
  • Applied research projects
  • Practicum/clinical placements
  • Field placements

Accommodations are available for all aspects of the WIL process, including the hiring and preparation process (e.g., job search process, interviews) as well as accommodation planning for the WIL environment itself.

How do I request and manage Work Integrated Learning accommodations?

Students registered with AccessAbility Services can explore possible WIL accommodations by scheduling an “WIL Appointment” with an Accommodation Consultant. WIL accommodation plans are customized for each WIL opportunity. Students are encouraged to be mindful of any timelines set out by WIL opportunities (including Cooperative education) and connect with AAS in a timely manner to facilitate accommodation requests.

I have more questions

If you have any questions about the WIL accommodation process, schedule an appointment with your Accommodation Consultant. To schedule an appointment, you can request an appointment through the AAS online system, by phone (519-888-4567 ext. 35082) or in person during our business hours (Monday - Friday between 8:30 am - 4:30 pm). Our office is located in Needles Hall North, 1st Floor, Room 1401.

Instructional videos on nagivating our online system 

Requesting term accommodations

Remote video URL

Requesting course notes

Remote video URL

Scheduling tests and examinations

Remote video URL

Requesting alternative formats

Remote video URL

Uploading additional documentation

Remote video URL