Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information

Privacy of personal and health information is a crucial principle to AccessAbility Services (AAS). We believe confidentiality of information is the foundation of an effective service for students with disabilities. All Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about a student is kept confidential according to Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) R.S.O. 1990, c. F. 31 as amended, the University of Waterloo's Policy 46 - Information Management, and other legislative requirements. As well as a requirement by legislation, we believe this practice generates a student’s trust and confidence.    

Our professional staff, including regulated health care professionals, are committed to collecting, using, and disclosing information responsibly and only to the extent necessary for the services we provide.   

During your registration appointment with AAS, we will ask you to consent to the sharing/exchange of information. We may also request your verbal or written consent to reach out to your support team if required. More information can be found on the How your Information will be Used by AccessAbility Services web page.


AccessAbility Services' Privacy Contact

Geoffrey Shifflett, PhD, Interim Director
AccessAbility Services, University of Waterloo
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 45660

Information & Privacy, University of Waterloo


Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

Alternatively, or in the event you are dissatisfied with how the University has responded, you can contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. The Commissioner is the person who has general responsibility for ensuring requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and PHIPA are followed.

You can contact the Commissioner about any decision, action, or inaction that you believe is not in compliance with the Act, including:

  •  if you are unable to resolve with us a concern about how your personal health information has been handled;
  • if you are unable to see all of your personal health information or have concerns about a delay in responding to your request;
  • if you feel your personal health information in your record is incorrect and you have been unable to persuade us to correct the information; or
  •  if you disagree with the fee that we charged to see or get a copy of your personal health information.

You must express your concerns in writing within specific time frames designated by the Commissioner, who will try to resolve the matter through mediation. If your concerns cannot be resolved in this way, the Commissioner has the power to investigate and to make an order that sets out what must happen.

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

Phone: 416-326-3333
Toll-free: 1-800-387-0073 (within Ontario)
Text Tel. (TTY)/Tel. Device for the Deaf (TDD): 416-325-7539
Fax: 416-325-9195
Visit the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario website.

This web page provides general information only and is not legal advice as to all rights and obligations under Ontario legislation. 


Confidentiality & Consent Agreement Form

Permission to Disclose Information Form

Authorization to Release Documentation