“Design Days” is a unique two-day event held during Orientation Week, for new Architectural Engineering students. Students are given the opportunity to solve a challenging, open-ended problem by brainstorming, designing and constructing a solution in collaboration with their new classmates. The aim of the event is to engage students in “design from Day 1”, and create an experiential learning environment where students are given the freedom to explore creative ideas whilst also drawing on the resources of experienced faculty, staff, technicians and upper-year students, for guidance.
This year, students engaged in three challenges to win components that would help them design and construct a piece of furniture out of cardboard. Each group - consisting of online and in-person students - competed in a trivia contest, scavenger hunt, and an obstacle course. The final creations were pitched before a panel of judges on the second day and evaluated for aesthetics and strength.
Team 21 emerged victorious, winning the overall prize, while Team 11 was voted winner of the People’s Choice Award.

Winning Team 21: Miraj Umar, Joseph William Pringle, LeAnne Kinlin, Megan Ho

People's Choice Award Team 11: Isaac Porter, Maria Garcia Van Vliet, Cameron Weber, Zoe Rae