Marie-Paule Macdonald is a registered architect, member of the Order of Architects of Québec. She studied architecture in Nova Scotia and in London, and her professional degree in architecture is from Dalhousie University. She holds a post-professional degree in urbanism from the Institut Français d'urbanisme in Paris, France. Having worked in architectural practices in Vancouver, London, New York, Montréal, she has taught architectural design studios in Montréal and at University de Waterloo. Her text 'After Branding' appeared in Curating Architecture in the City, published by Routledge, London, in 2009. Her article 'Pop-up CIties' appeared in the magazine ETC. in 2009. Artexte published her article, 'Radical Environments of the 21st Century' in Supplément, in 2008. Galérie Optica published her text, 'Voids and residues' in La Demeure in 2008. Art Metropole published her book, rockspaces, in 2000. Her book, Jimi Hendrix Soundscapes, published in the Reverb series by Reaktion Books, London in 2016, uses urban geography to approach and frame the inventive sound work of the musician. Other books include Wild in the Streets, a collaborative project with artist Dan Graham, published in 1994.
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