Felix Yang

image of Felix Yang
Felix, (He/Him) is a designer and critical thinker. His curiosity has led him to complete a Master of Architecture from McGill University and an Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies from the University of Waterloo in 2018. His graduate thesis work and research explored techniques of architectural representation through themes of contradictions, ambivalence and mental health. Empathy through design is a core value he holds and investigates throughout his work and various other interests. Prior to continuing his professional career at SvN in 2020, an integrated planning and design firm based in Toronto, Felix gained academic and professional experience abroad in Rome, Paris, Beijing and New York. His work has led him to engage with a wide range of mediums and projects from public art installations, institutional and healthcare spaces, and more recently, public and private housing. Felix, currently is conducting film and photographic research in areas pertaining to architecture and public space which he hopes to share soon! 