Solidago harrisii

Harris's or Shale-barren Goldenrod

Solidago harrisii Steele is a shale-barren ecotype native to the central Appalachian Mts.  It is distinguished by having leaves that are relatively firm, basal and lower stem leaves usually ± truncate and by having usually sparsely hairy fruits.  The species was treated as a variety of S. arguta in Semple & Cook (2006 FNA) and as a species by Semple & Beck (2021).  Multivariate analyses support species status (Semple et al. 2021). The species includes diploids 2n=18 known from Virginia and West Virginia. Semple and Morton (2024) presented a map of the cytogeography of S. harrisii.

Solidago harrisii range Semple draft

Semple, J.C. and J.B. Beck. 2021. A revised infrageneric classification of Solidago (Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytoneuron 2021-10. 1-6.

Semple, J.C., K. Nizamani, K. Kornobis, G. Samra, L. Tong and T. Stavroullakis.  2021.  A multivariate study of Solidago sect. Argutae(Asteraceae: Astereae).  Phytoneuron 2021-20: 1–56.

Semple, J.C. and G.H. Morton. 2024.  Cytogeography of Solidago sect. Argutae (Asteraceae: Astereae). Phytoneuron 2024-13: 1–13.

Last revised 4 March 2024 by J.C. Semple

© 2024 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated