Solidago shortii

Short's Goldenrod

Solidago shortii range Semple draft

Solidago shortii Torr. & A. Gray is a rare species native to a small area in Kentucky and along the Kentucky/Indiana border in the Louisville area.  The species is distinguished by its smooth lower stems, narrowly elliptic to lanceolate triple-nerved leaves lacking hairs on both surfaces, and heads with 3-8 rays with laminae 2-3 mm long and 5-9 disc florets (Semple and Cook 2006 FNA).  Beck et al. (2001) reported on morphological variation in the species. Smith et al. (2004) reported on the status of 14 populations in the Blue Lick Springs area that included small portions of Fleming, Nickolas, and Robertson Counties, Kentucky.  The status of populations in the Falls of the Ohio area (IN-KY) is questionable and some are extinct.  The species can be confused with S. altissima var. altissima, which has hairy leaves.  The species is tetraploid 2n=36.

Solidago shortii is listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and is in the Center for Plant Conservation’s National Collection of Endangered Plants.

Beck, J.B., R.F.C. Naczi, and P.J. Calie. 2001. An evaluation of the species delineation and insights into the population structure of Solidago shortii (Asteraceae) through morphometric analysis. Rhodora 103: 151-171.

Smith, B.D., A.T. Denham, J.B. Beck, and P.J. Calie. 2004. High resolution GIS mapping and current status of the ten viable populations of Short's goldenrod (Solidago shortii-Asteraceae) in Kentucky. Sida 21: 1121-1130.

Revised 2 June 2023 by J.C. Semple

© 2023 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated