Solidago nemoralis

Gray or Gray-stemmed Goldenrod

Solidago nemoralis  nemoralis 11486 PEI
Solidago nemoralis Ait. is native to prairies and open, disturbed soils of fields, roadsides, and gravelly embankments of the Great Plains and eastern U.S. and adjacent Canada.  The species is distinguished from others in subsect. Nemorales by having short-branched caudices and is the only one with secund to apically recurved inflorescences (Semple & Cook 2006 FNA). 

Two races are recognized following FNA and a multivariate study by Semple et al. (1990)

Solidago nemoralis range Semple draft

Solidago nemoralis was the most distinct species in subsect. Nemorales based on the results of a multivariate analysis of all species in the subsection (Semple et al. 2018).

The cytogeography of the species was investigated by Brammall & Semple (1990); the species includes diploids and tetraploids.

Brammall, R.A., and J.C. Semple. 1990. The cytotaxonomy of Solidago nemoralis (Compositae: Astereae). Can. J. Bot. 68: 2065-2069.

Semple, J.C., J.G. Chmielewski, and R.A. Brammall. 1990. A multivariate morphometric study of Solidago nemoralis (Compositae: Astereae) and comparison with S. californica and S. sparsiflora. Can. J. Bot. 68: 2070-2082.

Semple, J.C., K. Kornobis, and S. Bzovsky.  2018.  A multivariate morphometric analysis of Solidago subsect. Nemorales (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Phytoneuron 2018-42: 1–40.

Last updated 19 June 2018 by J.C. Semple

© 2018 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated