Eurybia chlorolepis

Mountain Wood Aster

Eurybia chlorolepis (E.S. Burgess) G.L. Nesom is native to red spruce–Fraser fir and Mountains from eastern Tennessee and western Virginia south to northern Georgia (Brouillet 2006 FNA).  The species is similar to E. divaricata but has longer peduncles (> 15 mm), larger involucres, and more ray and disc florets (see Brouillet 2006 FNA for details).  Lamboy (1992)presented data on the species's distinctness from E. divaricata using morphometric and cytologic data.  The species includes mostly tetraploids (2n=36) and rarely pentaploids (2n=45).

Last updated 13 February 2014 by J.C. Semple

© 2014 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated

Lamboy, W.F. 1992. The taxonomic status and probable origin of Aster chlorolepis, a southern Appalachian endemic. Castanea 57: 52-65.