Southern Swamp Aster
Eurybia paludosa (Ait. G.L. Nesom is native to moist savannas, margins of pools and swamps, low pinelands, sometimes sand hills of coastal plains, open hammocks from Northcarolina to Florida (Brouillet 2006 FNA). The species is distinguished by its strigillose to glabrous or glabrescent lower stems, villoso-hirsute upper stems, heads usually in spiciform or corymbiform arrays (rarely solitary)with, involucres 8–12 mm, 15–35 violet-blue rays and non-coriaceous outer phyllaries. The species includes some diploids (2n=18) and predominantly tetraploids (2n=36).
Last updated 12 February 2014 by J.C. Semple
© 2014 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated