Doellingeria (Eucephalus) vialis

Wayside Aster

Doellingeria vialis (Bradshaw) Semple, Brouillet and G.A. Allen is a rare rayless aster occurs in open oak or coniferous woods in Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, and Linn Counties in Oregon and Del Norte and Humboldt Counties in California (Allen 2006; Allen at al. 2019). The species has been treated as Eucephalus vialis Bradshaw and Aster vialis (Bradshaw) Blake.  The species is diploid 2n=18.  The species is of conservation concern.

Interagency Conservation Agreement for Eucephalus vialis (wayside aster). 2006.

Allen, G.A., L. Brouillet, J.C. Semple, H.J. Guest, and R. Underhill. 2019. Diversification of the North American Doellingeria-EucephalusClade (Astereae: Asteraceae) as inferred from molecular and morphological evidence.  Syst. Bot. 44(4): 930-942.

Revised 30 April 2021 by J.C. Semple

© 2021 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated