
Parry’s Goldenweed

Oreochrysum Rydb. includes one herbaceous perennial species O. parryi  (synonyms: Haplopappus parryiSolidago parryi) native to western North America. It is related to SolidagoTonestusPetradoria and Hesperadoria and the aster genus Sericocarpus.  Semple et al. (1999) included it as a subgenus within Solidago based on the results of Zhang's (1996) cpDNA RFLP study.  Subsequently, studies suggested Oreochrysum falls outside Solidago (Beck et al. 2004) and it is treated as a separate genus here and by Nesom (2006, Flora North America).

revised 9 May 2013 by J.C. Semple

© 2013 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated