Siskiyou Aster
Doellingeria glabrata (Greene) Semple, Brouillet & G.A. Allen is native to dry open oak or coniferous forest or chaparral in the Klamath Mts. of northern California and southwestern Oregon (Allen 2006 FNA; Allen et al. 2019). The 0-4 rayed taxa in the genus are difficult to distinguish in northern California and may intergrade (Allen 2006 FNA). The following names are synonyms: Aster brickellioides Greene var. glabratus Greene, A. siskiyouensis A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride, Eucephalus glabratus (Greene) Greene, Eucephalus glandulosus Eastwood.
Last updated 30 Aril 2021 by J.C. Semple
© 2021 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated