Forked Aster
Eurybia furcata (E.S. Burgess) G.L. Nesom is a calciphile native to± open habitats (± shade intolerant), limestone, sandstone and dolomite areas, mostly north-facing slopes, seepy bluffs, moist deciduous woods, especially along streams, sometimes disturbed sites (Brouillet 2006 FNA) who noted research on its ecology and distribution. The species is diploid (2n=18).
Eurybia furcata is uncommon throughout its range and is considered endangered or threatened in all states where it occurs (Brouillet 2006 FNA) and is of conservation concern. It is known only historically from Arkansas.
Last updated 13 February 2014 by J.C. Semple
© 2014 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated