Department of Biology
ESC 350
200 University Ave. W
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Phone: (519) 888-4567 ext. 32569
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Voss's Goldenrod
Solidago vossii Pringle & Laureto was described in 2010 post FNA (Semple and Cook 2006). It is very rare in wet prairies in two counties in northern Michigan.
The species differs from S. houghtonii in having sparsely to regularly finely serrate basal leaves and ray florets 1.2-2 mm wide (Laureto & Pringle 2010), and S. vossii is often taller than S. houghtonii. The inner pappus bristles were described as non-clavate, but the ends are somewhat to obviously clavate when examined under a compound microscope. It is the only octoploid in the genus 2n=72.
Laureto, P. and J. Pringle. 2010. Solidago vossii (Asteraceae): A new species of goldenrod from northern Michigan. Michigan Bot. 49: 105-117.
Last updated 20 September 2022 by J.C. Semple
© 2022 J.C. Semple, including all photographs