Waterloo Colloquium on Language Learning and Teaching

Workshop with students and German teachers focusing on rap in the German language classroom. This event was co-sponsored by the Goethe Institute.
Professors, teachers and teaching assistants of German were invited to this professional development workshop.
Professor Barbara Schmenk gave a lecture on "Internationalization, autonomy, globalization: Some thoughts on weasel words in language education" based on her recent book: Schmenk, Barbara (2008) Lernerautonomie. Tübingen, Germany: Gunter Narr Verlag.
The Waterloo Centre for German Studies hosted this international conference at the University of Waterloo. It brought together scholars from North American and European universities whose research investigated various facets of the post-secondary curriculum for teaching and learning German as a foreign and/or second language and culture.
Poster: Symbolic Competence Poster (PDF)
Poster: Colloquium 2013 Language Learning Poster (PDF)
On Monday, 1 April 2013 the Waterloo Colloquium on Language Learning and Teaching took place in Hagey Hall at the University of Waterloo.
The Waterloo Colloquium on Language Teaching and Learning is the final part of the Certificate in University Language Teaching (CULT) workshops held this term. All are welcome to attend. Please download the schedule here.
As digital gaming has increased in popularity and become a global practice, computer-assisted language learning (CALL) researchers and second and foreign language (L2) educators have begun reconsidering games as potential L2 teaching and learning (L2TL) resources.