MTE CivE 2021 Design Pitch Awards

Friday, August 20, 2021

Spring 2021 saw another online edition of the MTE CivE Design Pitch Competition and the CIVE400 capstone teams put on a good show. A very impressive performance by all.  Congratulations! The winning teams are:

1st Place: Team 10: EMBODY Consulting 

Project Title: Deep Energy retrofit of Court Low-Rise Residence Buildings 

Team: Alexis Minniti (Project Manager), Charlotte Bartos, Julia Leinenweber, Michael Terpstra

Tech Advisor: Costa Kapsis 

2nd Place: Team 12: Future-Oriented Mobility Ltd. (FOr Mobility Ltd.) 

Project Title: Transit-oriented redevelopment of commercial lands surrounding Conestoga Mall, City of Waterloo

Team: Matea Ceric (Project Manager), Dana Usaty, Stefanny Perez, Alexander Goldgruber

Tech Advisor: Chris Bachmann

3rd Place: Team 13: The 3NG 

Project Title: The Sustainable Reuse of Disposable Medical Wear as a Construction Material

Team: Nathaniel Joseph Gordon (Project Manager), Reid Michael Ferry, Natasha Rebecca Greenwood, Nicolas Angelo Mendonca

Tech Advisor: Adil Al-Mayah