We are pleased to announce that at the CSCE (Canadian Society of Civil Engineers) Annual Congress in London, ON last week, the Capstone project team representing the University of Waterloo’s Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department came in 3rd place nationally!
The team “Four Flags Amusement”, consisting of James St.Onge, Stephen Phillips, Peter Loudfoot, and Graeme Milligan, won this award for their capstone project, entitled: “Flying-Wing Roller Coaster Design”. The team was selected to represent Waterloo out of 39 Capstone CEE Design teams in 2016 from the 4th year graduating students in our Civil/Environmental/Geological Engineering programs at the University of Waterloo.

(left to right): Prof. Denis Beaulieu (Laval (retired)), James St Onge, Graeme Milligan, Stephen Phillips, and Prof. Charles Darwin Annan (Laval, CSCE Chair of Student Affairs)
The team impressed the course instructors throughout the term with the technical complexity of their project (despite the recreational nature of the subject matter) and their professionalism and work ethic, in what was widely agreed to be an exceptionally strong year in terms of the overall quality of the projects produced by the entire class. At the University of Waterloo’s CEE Capstone Symposium, the team’s display was among the more popular, as many of the attendees wanted the opportunity to try out the virtual reality simulation of their final design.