Andrew Childs receives an Outstanding Performance Award

David Qian, an MMath student in the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, was a finalist in the University of Waterloo's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. David's presentation "Mathematical Optimization and Skull Surgery" can be seen on YouTube.
In an article published in Science, Childs, Gosset and Webb propose a new notion of multiparticle quantum walks with interactions on graphs. This new computing model is capable of universal quantum computation and can potentially be used as an architecture for building a scalable quantum computer with no need for time-dependent control.
The following C&O students received their graduate degrees at the fall 2012 convocation. Congratulations to all and best of luck for the future!
LP-based Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Facility Location Problem
Supervisor: Ricardo Fukasawa
"Quantum computing and nanotechnology aim to map the next groundbreaking frontier in technological innovation. The University of Waterloo is launching a brand new, state of the art facility with the opening of the Mike & Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum-Nano Centre. Michele Mosca, Professor in the Combinatorics and Optimization Department and Deputy Director of the Institute for Quantum Computing, joins Steve Paikin to talk about the enormous potential of bringing two giants of tiny research together in one facility."
2-Crossing Critical Graphs with a V8 Minor
Supervisor: Bruce Richter