UWaterloo Theatre and Performance Presents...

By Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Directed By Tanja Jacobs
Tickets: $15 General Public, $10 Student & Senior, $5 eyeGO
EVERYBODY is a fourth-wall-defying contemporary adaptation of the 15th-century morality play, EVERYMAN. Jacobs-Jenkins’ secular take on the idea of morality and the journey to one’s demise is brilliantly written as a comedic adventure to the afterlife, where the protagonist, EVERYBODY, must answer to DEATH and bring a presentation of their life to GOD. EVERYBODY, terrified of completing this endeavour alone, seeks out the help of various figures in their life to accompany them into the unknown potential afterlife.
Director Tanja Jacobs believes that this play is a modern plea for awareness, decency, and kindness and is an offered reprieve for a life still-to-be-lived. With William Schmuck (set/props), Logan Raju Cracknell (lighting), Nadine Grant (costumes), and Colin Labadie (sound), the design team has created a landscape with a multitude of possibilities for the unexpected, the hilarious, and macabre.
Cast: Ada-Marie Nita- God | Matthew Wiebe- Death | Emma-Leigh Simonot- Somebody | Colleen MacAulay- Somebody | Quinn Andres- Somebody | Connor McKechnie- Somebody | Jaime Borromeo- Somebody | Lilian Adom- Somebody | Zaniq King- Love | Nadia Khan- Girl
Doors open at 7 pm. Head into the gallery and explore our engagement space before the show! After the performance, stick around for an audience discussion with our actors and dramaturgy students.
Please note that due to mature language, this play is recommended for students grade 9 and up.