This workshop is an introduction to puppetry wherein the goal is to have the participant walk away with an understanding of the fundamentals of working with puppets of various styles. Most of the work will include manipulation of basic puppets and found objects but we will attempt to cover work with full body and over sized puppets as well as the Japanese style of bunraku. Some of the different styles will involve partnered manipulation. The workshop will also involve improvisations work with much of the focus being on maintaining a narrative. Participants will leave with the knowledge and confidence to further explore the world of puppetry should they so desire.

His interest in puppetry was established early on with Mermaid Theatre out of Windsor, NS. He was thrown into the mix and learned quickly to “embrace the impossible” when it came to working with many different puppet forms. Later at Shakespeare by the Sea he gained experience with group work on over size puppets. In later years working with the macabre and creative Eldritch Theatre has been a true highlight.