The Drama and Speech Communication Speakers Series presents invited lecturer Professor Rinaldo Walcott from the Department of Social Justice Education, and Director of the Women and Gender Studies Institute, both at the
Come out to hear pecha kucha-style student talks
Formal classroom instruction is often supposed to provide students with opportunities to develop critical communication competencies. But courses also privilege bodies of knowledge, along with methods of producing knowledge and evaluations of student comprehension. The modern university, to use ancient terminology, is more often concerned with episteme, or abstract knowledge, then with techné, or the practical embodied knowledge of how.
Formal classroom instruction is often supposed to provide students with opportunities to develop critical communication competencies. But courses also privilege bodies of knowledge, along with methods of producing knowledge and evaluations of student comprehension. The modern university, to use ancient terminology, is more often concerned with episteme, or abstract knowledge, then with techné, or the practical embodied knowledge of how.
Formal classroom instruction is often supposed to provide students with opportunities to develop critical communication competencies. But courses also privilege bodies of knowledge, along with methods of producing knowledge and evaluations of student comprehension. The modern university, to use ancient terminology, is more often concerned with episteme, or abstract knowledge, then with techné, or the practical embodied knowledge of how.
Rarely performed and little known, the first play in Shakespeare’s first tetralogy is more than a simple preface to the more famous, substantive pieces that follow it. Hugely popular in its day and featuring memorable characters – brave Talbot, Joan of Arc – deemed worthy of mention in accounts by Shakespeare’s contemporaries, Henry the Sixth, Part I