Embarking on the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology (MBET) program at the University of Waterloo was a decisive step in my journey. My name is Fady Mansy, and I would like to share how this unique program has shaped my entrepreneurial perspective.

My professional roots began in civil engineering. With a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Alberta and 3 years of experience in large construction jobs, I had a strong foundation in transportation construction projects. In my previous roles, I often felt that my impact on the projects I was involved in was minimal. Despite my efforts, I always had the sense that true innovation was lacking and actively avoided during these construction projects. My most recent project considered it a breakthrough to start tracking paperwork and checklists on an app, rather than the usual pen and paper!

In contrast, the technology industry is constantly pushing the boundaries with ground-breaking advancements in areas like mixed reality, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence. This felt off to me.

I knew I wanted more than just fitting in the status quo, I wanted to make an impact.

The MBET program at Conrad School was the perfect catalyst for this transformation. Courses like Innovation and Consulting as well as Strategy Management not only broadened my understanding of business practices but also inspired me to think of ways to counter the norm within the construction industry. 

Professional headshot of MBET student

The program’s emphasis on experiential learning allowed me to engage directly with early-stage ventures, validating startup business models that resonate with real-world needs.

One of the most transformative supports offered by the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business was the mentorship from professors, especially David Rose and Chris Holt. Their insights helped me connect the dots between my engineering background and new business opportunities.

This mentorship, combined with the entrepreneurial environment of Waterloo, encouraged me to take the significant leap to launch a venture of my own, MansyReality. My venture focuses on using smart safety gear to overcome language barriers on construction sites, enhancing communication and safety – a problem I experienced firsthand on site.

The journey through MBET was not without its challenges. The transition from a structured engineering role to the fluid dynamics of entrepreneurship involved risks and a steep learning curve. However, embracing failure as a stepping stone rather than a setback has been one of my greatest takeaways. Each failure in my venture idea has provided me with a clearer path toward being a successful entrepreneur one day. Even though I expect to encounter many failures, I can now embrace failure in my steps as opposed to shying away from it.

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For those contemplating the MBET program, my advice is straightforward: embrace the journey with an open mind and a willingness to experiment. The program is designed not just to teach entrepreneurship but to transform your mindset. 

The entrepreneurial path includes many uncertainties, but the support and resources at Waterloo were very impactful. I am more equipped to drive progress in my industry, thanks to the invaluable lessons, networks, and experiences gained at Waterloo.

As I continue to develop MansyReality alongside developing my entrepreneurial spirit and contribute one day to the evolution of the construction industry, I am reminded daily that the power of combining extensive industry knowledge with entrepreneurial spirit is all you need to make an impact; but entrepreneurial success may take a lot more.