Corporate Innovation
Partnering with us on the Corporate Innovation Project will allow you to take advantage of fresh perspectives. Because MBET students generally don't have specific expertise in your domain or sector, they'll design creative business models or produce a new angle to address problems. Venture plans created by MBET student teams augment traditional consulting reports.
The Corporate Innovation Project delivered in the MBET program allows students to use their skills in an existing corporate context by helping established businesses explore strategic opportunities and threads using the same frameworks used in their own startups.
Teams consist of five students, working approximately 6-8 hours per week over 16 weeks (March to June). While each project is unique, students use a methodology that combines concepts from new venture development with best practices in management consulting. Students will then scedule a presentation of findings.
There is no cost for participating in this project.
Who are we looking for?
We’re looking for mid to large corporate companies (ideally 300+ employees) focused on innovation within their company and/or their industry of work.

Weekly meetings in April and May. Timely client acknowledgement of outputs at each stage.

Meetings can be online/conference call or in-person.

Project will be active from May to June. This is a high-demand opportunity with a limited number of clients to be selected each year. Applications are required by December 31.

Roughly 15-25 corporate innovation partnerships needed per year.

Business Model Validation for Startup Companies
Validating the business model is essential to bring a company to life. Every startup or scale-up company works from a series of hypotheses regarding its value proposition, target audience, marketing and pricing strategy, customer segments, go-to-market plan, financial plan, etc.
In this master's level project, select companies work with a small team of students to do research and in-market analysis to test the most urgent of your company's hypotheses.
Bringing their fresh perspectives, they'll deliver a written report and presentation to your company or founders with their recommendations. Student teams will provide an objective approach to the opportunities and challenges faced by your venture and produce high-potential business models to facilitate a knowledge-based launch of commercial or social ventures. You’ll receive a written report and presentation from our MBET students.
There is no cost for participation in this project.
Who are we looking for?
We’re looking for startup or scaleup ventures focused on establishing, refining or redefining their business model. Ideally, companies will be in the pre-seed or seed round and have approximately 10 employees.

8-16 hours over 3 months.

Meetings can be online/conference call or in-person.

Offered in the fall term only.

10-14 startup or scale-up commercial or social ventures.

Bridging Entrepreneurs to Students (BETS) Program Employer
The Bridging Entrepreneurs to Students (BETS) program allows early-stage companies an option to work with our outstanding co-op students that Waterloo is known for.
BETS allows students to learn the transferable employment skills they'll need. They'll also obtain an up-close experience of a startup.
BETS connects early-stage companies with our brilliant first work-term co-op students for an immersive 14-week project-based placement.
Because BETS co-op students are in teams of at least two people, onboarding and learning are accelerated, allowing students to dive into projects quickly.
This option provides you access to students' fresh perspectives without the cost of funding a regular co-op term. You'll have early access to the talent pipeline here at the Conrad School.
The cost to participating employers is significantly lower than regular co-op salaries.
Who are we looking for?
We’re looking for early-stage startup companies willing to provide an environment for these students to gain experience while also experiencing firsthand what is involved in starting and scaling a business.
You get out what you put in. Every minute was a learning experience. Being able to pick the minds of two young entrepreneurs on the journey of scaling their venture idea provided me with great knowledge on what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
The BETS program was a key ingredient in helping Dundas Life grow in 2022. We love working with BETS students as they regularly bring fresh ideas and help solve difficult problems at Dundas life.

It’s a two-way street – for 14 weeks students provide assistance while on their co-op term, but you’ll need to put in time to mentor them.

In-person or remote.

Offered in the winter and spring terms.

Around 15-20 companies needed to support BETS co-op students.

Scaling Sales Operations
A Sales Playbook is an essential tool to help transfer critical product and sales process knowledge from the founders to the sales team in order to scale up the revenue generation process.
In each fall and winter terms, fourth year students in the Entrepreneurial Sales Fundamentals course participate in a project that brings real-life experiences to entrepreneurial studies. Student teams are connected with B2B startups who have or are in the process of commercializing to create a Sales Playbook.
Your startup will benefit from this systemic approach to scaling up sales operations and in building the tools required to scale your B2B business. You’ll have access to your own playbook that will allow your new sales representatives to understand everything they need to know (company details, product details, value proposition, sales material etc.) and everything they need (sales processes, lead management, proposals, contracts, etc.) to become productive in their roles as quickly as possible.
Many founders describe a Sales Playbook as the tool required to take all their knowledge and transfer to the rest of the company – take full advantage of this opportunity today.
Who are we looking for?
We’re looking for companies that are B2B focused and at the stage where they have started to engage with commercial customers or are looking to grow their base of customers. There is no cost for participation in this project.

You would commit 4-8 hours over three months and there is a 30-40 page Sales Playbook with a 5-minute training video.

Meetings either online and or in person with the student.

This is offered each fall and winter term.

10 – 12 companies each term can participate.