Tuition and Funding


Fees for each term are posted on the graduate program tuition website. The doctoral tuition rates are assessed by domestic and international status. Tuition is due each term, with three terms occurring over each year.  

  • Fall term - September to December
  • Winter Term - January to April
  • Spring Term - May to August

In addition to tuition fees, incidental fees are charged each term. For more information, visit the incidental fees website.


There are a variety of opportunities to help support funding your education, from faculty, departmental or external scholarships, awards and bursaries.

Doctoral students in good academic standing currently receive $30,000/year minimum funding for the first four years of full-time registration.

Webinar: funding your graduate education

Remote video URL

This webinar recording features funding experts from Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs sharing information about different types of funding available, minimum funding for master's and doctoral students, an overview of internal funding opportunities, such as bursaries, Graduate Research Studentships, TAs, RAs, federal and provincial scholarships, and the process of applying for and receiving additional funding.